Jack London Gateway20200507201414

Jack London Gateway

This 61 unit mixed-use development utilizes 3 levels of light gauge framing supported by a post-tensioned concrete podium....
Fourth & U20200507201310

Fourth & U

Hohbach-Lewin, Inc. was called in to provide full structural design services for both the sub-grade parking and the five story super structure....
Creek Bridge Village20200507200904

Creek Bridge Village

This project includes Multi-story luxury apartments over Retail spaces....
Mission Hills Square20200507193540

Mission Hills Square

Four and five story residential towers over one level of above grade parking; 158 Units encompassing 240,000 SF....
Solstice Apartment Homes20200507192144

Solstice Apartment Homes

Hohbach-Lewin structurally designed the two 4-story buildings comprising 280 units in wood framed construction, supported by a concrete podium slab ov...
Diridon Station, Delmas Avenue20200507165437

Diridon Station, Delmas Avenue

A ten floor residential tower over a lobby and retail space and a three level parking structure; 325 Units 393,000SF...