Molly Soukhaseum, S.E.

Hohbach-Lewin, Pasadena
511 Mission Street
South Pasadena, CA 91030
Direct: (626) 441-1211 x503
Molly Soukhaseum has over 15 years of experience designing and managing projects from schematic design to construction completion. This includes inter-disciplinary coordination between consultants, design calculations, and generation of project drawings. She is experienced in healthcare, educational and commercial facilities using concrete, steel, masonry and timber systems. Molly is also experienced in detailed seismic analysis and retrofit design of existing buildings and is thoroughly familiar with the ASCE 41 Standard, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings.
Significant Projects that Ms. Soukhaseum has led the design effort include:
- Fontana Courthouse Expansion – Fontana, CA
- Facebook Game Studio – Irvine, CA
- United States Post Office – Long Beach Hub – Long Beach, CA
- Santa Barbara High School Peabody Grandstand and Stadium Renovation,
- El Rodeo School Seismic Upgrade, Beverly Hills, CA
- Santiago Hills Elementary School, New MPR – Irvine, CA
- Greentree Elementary School, New MPR – Irvine, CA
- Cedarcreek Elementary School, New MPR – Santa Clarita, CA
- Falcon Ridge Elementary School, New Campus – Etiwanda, CA
- Dos Pueblos High School – CTE Pavilion – Santa Barbara, CA